11 October 2009

Why Pray?

I’ve been reading R.A. Torrey’s book ‘How to Pray’. This is a powerful book. I thought I would share some text extracted from the first chapter on 'The Importance of Prayer'. A couple of my thoughts are added in italics.

"But why is this constant, persistent, sleepless, overcoming prayer so needful?’

1. First of all, because there is a devil. He is cunning, he is mighty, he never rests, he is ever plotting the downfall of the child of God; and if the child of God relaxes in prayer, the devil will succeed in ensnaring him…

2. Prayer is God’s appointed way for obtaining things, and the great secret of all lack in our experience, in our life and in our work is neglect of prayer…

3. Those men whom God set forth as a pattern of what he expected Christians to be – the Apostles – regarded prayer as the most important business of their lives…Read Acts to see how prayer and Holy Spirit empowered ministry went hand in hand

4. Prayer occupied a very prominent place and played a very important part in the earthly life of our Lord…If so important for Jesus, how much more should it be for us

5. Prayer is the most important part of the present ministry of our risen Lord…He intercedes for us now

6. Prayer is the means that God has appointed for our receiving mercy, and obtaining grace to help in time of need…

7. Prayer in the name of Jesus Christ is the way Jesus Christ himself has appointed for his disciples to obtain fullness of joy…

8. Prayer, in every care an anxiety and need of life, with thanksgiving, is the means that God has appointed for obtaining freedom from all anxiety, and the peace of God which passeth all understanding…

9. Prayer is the method that God himself has appointed for our obtaining the Holy Spirit…

10. Prayer is the means that Christ has appointed whereby our hearts shall not become overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness and cares of this life, and so the day of Christ’s return come upon us suddenly as a snare…

11. Because of what prayer accomplishes…

- Prayer promotes our spiritual growth as almost nothing else…
- Prayer brings power into our work…
- Prayer avails for the conversion of others…
- Prayer brings blessings to the church…"

I hope this has informed, refreshed and blessed you.

How is your prayer life?


  1. Thanks. I needed to read that today. I've been praying faithfully everyday for my friend to be set free from Satan's snare. How desperately he needs the Lord. Right now, I feel so tired and weary. It seems a hopeless situation. Even some of my friends make me feel discouraged. I feel almost alone in my quest. Nothing seems to be changing in spite of my prayers, but I must press on. I can never let Satan win. My hope is in my God, and I will keep trusting and praying.

  2. Thanks Lesley. I really appreciate that. Praying for your friend. Be blessed. x

  3. Thanks Tina. It means a lot to know that you will support me in praying for my friend. His name is David. He is addicted to dark behaviour, and caught in a cycle of abuse. It was a miracle that he read your husbands book, Once an addict, and also The shack, but over recent months he has started to push me away. The darkness in him is threatened by the light in me. All I can continue to do, for now, is pray. I believe God has a plan and a purpose for Davids life and wants to set him free. I also believe prayer changes things. Thanks again for your prayers. May God Bless you abundantly. x
