14 February 2010

The Jesus I Know

'The Jesus I Know' is a book I read recently of collected writings, edited by Adam Harbinson, where people share their thoughts on the Jesus they know. As I read this book I was inspired to write this short piece on the Jesus I KNOW.

The Jesus I KNOW has loved me since before I was conceived in the womb and I KNOW it. Just trying to get my head round that one is extraordinarily hard. My Christian story began at university 17 years ago. At university I met some people who seemed ‘different’ – stereotypically. They took me to hear an evangelist/speaker who made the best appeal any speaker could make for me. He said that if I would take that one step towards God, God would take the 99 steps towards me and prove He is real. ‘Okay’ I thought, prove it. Within weeks I was a completely different person. One guy I had known from the beginning at university said that all the hardness in my face had disappeared and I had softened. Up until that point I knew things had changed, but that one sentence described so well what had happened to me.

The Jesus I met all that time ago has never left me and has never stopped loving me. I KNOW His presence in my life daily. Jesus is real and living. He is not someone who has disappeared and is a legend. He is here now. I KNOW He is in the room with me as I write this. I KNOW I can talk to Him. I KNOW He speaks and intercedes on my behalf to God the Father. I KNOW His guidance, his steering. Every Christian can KNOW this too. I am continually frustrated that I cannot verbally or in written format get this point over so strongly that people would fall backwards under the sheer immensity of this truth. How powerful it is to have Jesus in our lives!


  1. Hi Tina. I'm the Adam Harbinson who edited The Jesus I Know. J John passed your blog to me as an encouragement. Thank you so much for this. It took over three years to compile the book and it has been a great success with very many people being helped and inspired by it. It was a great project and comments such as yours make it all worthwhile. Thank you

  2. Hi Adam. It was so lovely to hear from you. Thank you for taking the time to write the comment. I was so blessed reading the book and fully intend reading it again in the future! It's great to read something that gets to the heart of what we should be about - getting to know Jesus and being more like Him. Thank you. Every blessing Tina.
