18 August 2009

Forgiveness - The Healthy Option

Job 18: 4: "You who tear yourselves to pieces in anger..."

Scanning through some old work I came across this article I had saved on forgiveness:

The Times - January 3, 2008 - To err is human, to forgive good for your health by Rebecca Newman

"What could you never bring yourself to forgive – some transgression so heinous that the very idea of forgiving the treacherous toad responsible makes your blood boil? But what if forgiveness were good for your health? Forgiveness is, of course, a tenet central to most religions. Every Christian knows by heart the lines “forgive those who trespass against us . . .”

But it is not just balm for the soul. A ten-year research project reveals that “forgiveness interventions”, where patients are guided into forgiving thoughts, benefit their well being. Even one or two “interventions” can improve cardiovascular function, diminish chronic pain, relieve depression and lower blood pressure.

At the same time, the study found that an inability to pardon can raise a person’s risk of heart disease and mental illness.

Happily, for those to whom forgiveness does not come so easily, the researchers assert that it is behaviour that can be learnt, like eating well and taking exercise."

We must forgive for our own physical and spiritual well-being.

Sometimes we as Christians can simply forgive others because the Bible teaches us we must. Other times we need to ask God to help us forgive others, and He does. God may give us someone to help us on the pathway to forgiving. Through whatever means - FORGIVE.

Who do you need to forgive?

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